Pyes Pa Primary School

Project details:

Location: Tauranga
Weight: 120 tonne

Client: Southbase

Qualified welders and weld procedures for welding as per AS/NZS 2980, AS/NZS 1554.1 and AS/NZS 1554.3: in accordance with the Project Plan and Specification requirements. Steel Fabrication Certification to Construction Category 3.

Site Safe SiteWise Green Certification; all staff trained, competent and qualified.

This project was a 3 staged programme with fabrication underway and construction programme started March 2018. New build school comprising 17 Teaching Spaces, Administration, Library, Hall, Resources, ORRS provisioning (2 additional teaching space equivalent), Outside Technology Provisioning (2 additional teaching space equivalent) - Total Gross Area of 3462m². Site infrastructure provisioning to include for future Stage 2 development.